Monday, February 4, 2013

Doing Time

My son has been suspended for skipping class for the 4th time this school year. He could technically be recommended for expulsion and sent to an alternative school for the rest of the school year, but for some reason the Dean of Students has decided to give him one more chance.

We've tried grounding him before, but it's usually more of a headache. In the past when he was grounded we've had to allow his girlfriend to come over order to keep him from running off and just not coming home at all . This time I decided enough was enough. I grounded him for the duration of his suspension and told him his girlfriend was NOT allowed over (with the exception of her coming along on the family trip to visit our daughter in Lafayette).

When he is not grounded he comes and goes as he pleases. He is mostly uncommunicative, but when he does talk to us he is disrespectful and argumentative, and generally not pleasant to be around. But something strange has happened this time. He spent most of Friday and all day yesterday working on his car, which has been out of commission for over a month. He will stop in the living room and talk to us about being asked to be a guest player for a friend's soccer team, possible job opportunities he's been looking into and he even had me help him pick out his girlfriend's birthday presents. He has been more like the charming, funny and helpful kid I miss.

Tuesday he goes back to school and we will release him from his restrictions, other than his usual weeknight curfew. I want to have a talk with him this evening and ask him if he has noticed a difference in our behavior the last few days. We haven't had to yell at him, and we've been in better moods as well. My hope is that we can continue this peaceful atmosphere once he is again let loose on society.

A girl can dream can't she?

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